econnect “ta” eConnect stored procedures & upgrades a thought… eConnect presents a “pre” and “post” procedure for the various document transactions. This allows custom SQL scripts to be ran before and after eConnect transactions. Beware, as anyone who works with eConnect will tell you, these procedures are DROPPED during version upgrades. This understandably makes developers wary of using them,
Microsoft Dynamics GP GPUG Magazine Q2–2016 is available! If you didn’t already know, there is a professional magazine for Dynamics GP. Published by the Dynamics GP User Group (GPUG). The magazine has hints & tips, conference and events listings, product and services advertisements that are relevant to the GP market. Also showcased are some of the benefits
Microsoft Dynamics GP Dynamics GP upgrade changes keyable length of phone numbers David Musgrave explains how to Changing the Phone Number Format to allow more characters to be inputted through the GP user interface. Using eConnect it is possible to set the full 21 characters of the phone number when changing or creating a record. However as the default for the UK
Fix sending graphics to Zebra Thermal Printer with GW command -corrupts images Attempting to print from the RPi over serial RS232 interface using the GW command, I was getting image corruption. Some of the image would appear to wrap, or the image would just not print unless some extra line feeds were added to the end of the command. This was even
Project “Madeira”– Microsoft tackle cloud ERP threat The big announcement this week was Project Madeira, a new Cloud based ERP solution in Office 365, running as a multi-tenant, from and managed by Microsoft. It is odd that this came a week after the Envision conference and perhaps the fact that the project has not yet got a
Microsoft Dynamics GP Upgrading GP Addin Mods to use EF6 After adding the configuration sections to Dynamics.exe.config <section name="entityFramework" type="System.Data.Entity.Internal.ConfigFile.EntityFrameworkSection, EntityFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false" /> <entityFramework> <defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.
Windows IoT UWP Serial Port Missing Bytes, Bytes Written Windows IoT Whilst writing a PCX format, 1 bit per pixel (1bpp) byte array to a serial port FTDI USB serial adapter using WinRT/UWP, on a Laptop (using for developing before deploying to RPi2), it kept failing to work correctly. The serial port was going to the RS232 input of a
Microsoft Dynamics GP Dynamics GP window forms flickering-redrawing during Network Group Policy update Rolling out Windows 10 to our estate has caused an issue with Dynamics GP interacting with Group Policy updates. The users are experiencing the form windows in Dynamics GP vigorously flickering/updating for about five seconds, at regular, but random intervals through the day. Group policy is a set of
Windows IoT Serial Port null from SerialDevice.FromIdAsync(dis[0].Id) with windows UWP & FTDI adapter Whilst on a laptop the following code fails whereas it is working on the RPi2. The serial port is provided by a USB to serial adapter, a USB FTDI adapter. var aqsFilter = SerialDevice.GetDeviceSelector();var dis = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(aqsFilter);serialPort = await SerialDevice.FromIdAsync(dis[0].Id); serialPort is null
Microsoft Dynamics GP Hacking the suggested items feature in GP to create a flexible sales scripting system In telesales, and ecommerce we have three common directions to take a sale: * Cross selling * Down selling * Up selling The Suggest Sales Item window by default design is intended to suggest other items that could be added to the sales order, on the basis of a trigger item being added
Microsoft Dynamics GP Installing both msi & msp package together for Dynamics GP “R2” versions For those with network deployment to consider, around one hundred machines we do, then Dynamics GP has a neat feature to “Create Installation Package”, which does just that. By selecting the option from the installation media it will package up the local fully configured GP client into an msi installer
Microsoft Dynamics GP Dynamics GP Visual Studio Tools SDK download I am used to downloading developer resources from MSDN subscriber downloads or MS Dynamics Customer source I lost the SDK for Visual Studio add-in creation with Dynamics GP. After trying to web search for it I didn’t find anything but the links to the GP2013 version downloads. Visual Studio
Windows IoT Note the missing SPI1 on the new revision of the Windows IoT pinouts for Raspberry Pi It seems the SPI1 (pins11,35,38,40/GPIO 19,20,21,17) have been assigned to GPIO on the latest pin out. Apparently there are five alternatives for the use of the pins, see: Only two SPI devices seems quite constrained when I’
Windows IoT Windows IoT Core 10 & Raspberry Pi missing Gpio reference Error CS0246 The type or namespace name 'GpioPin' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Problem that you don't appear to be able to have the Gpio namespaceor spinamespace orI2Cnamespace in your project? Started looking at the Samples for
Microsoft Dynamics GP SQL Calculate Customer Balance & On Order amount for Dynamics GP The values in the Customer summary table RM00103 keep drifting from what they should be. This causes issues with our pick list printing service that was using them in a complex credit checking routine. Sometimes the on order amount could be minus thousands of pounds, leading to goods being despatched
Microsoft Dynamics GP test company, test database, live company in test database, test company in live database… How times have changed. Now we have a SAN and ESX Hypervisors hosting our servers, virtualisation and new hardware platforms have made managing enterprise infrastructure so much easier. For developers this had made possible the cloning of live environments, yes webservers, databases, ERP and various integrations can all be plucked
Microsoft Dynamics GP Dynavistics acquire rights to Trinity (m-hance) source code The news article linked below reveals that Dynavistics have acquired rights to develop the Myridas products that were acquired themselves by m-hance when they absorbed Trinity Computers during the m-hance acquisition run that achieved a 45% sales growth for the m-hance in 2012. Dynavistics Acquires the Right to Develop Trinity
Microsoft Dynamics GP Enabling Dynamics GP Modules It can be confusing where in the GP user interface that functionality in GP is enabled from. It can seem like there is no consistent place to go in order to enable functionality. In this post I’m quickly just going to show some examples and leave it at that…
Visual Studio 2015 Licence Error (0x00000002): Unable to save downloaded online licence I just experienced this error in Visual studio with a sole button to “close visual studio”. It happened on opening projects. I ended up having to log out of my MSDN account on that same error window and back in again before it would allow me forward. Clicking the “Check
Microsoft Dynamics GP Solution to eConnect Requester SOP Transaction trigger not creating output records eConnect uses a Document Requester system to allow database activity in GP to be tracked, say for the creation of sales orders. It also allows the database to be queried via the eConnect API, without any logging to output tables. Steve Endow has written up here on his blog, 8
Microsoft Dynamics GP eConnect fails to update field ITMVNDTY (IV00103) from field PRIMVNDR (IV00102) Why does eConnect not update the IV00103 ITMVNDTY field when changing the primary vendor, PRIMVNDR of IV00102? Table IV00102 item-site This table relates items to sites, including what stock is at each site and which primary default vendor should be used for that site. The default vendor is held in
Microsoft Dynamics GP Custom links example in Dynamics GP A post on the Dynamics GP community forum reminded me of something I set up way back, custom links for linking to an item on a website from GP. Dynamics Community Forum for GP Custom Links Custom links are supported for a limited number of prompts within GP; * Chequebook * Credit
Microsoft Dynamics GP Dynamics GP Fix “Amount Remaining” incorrect on receivables transaction payment apply For the following Debtor, the GP client server connection was interrupted whilst payments were being applied. This left the apply in an inconstant state. Subsequently the payment was unapplied, leaving the “amount remaining” for the payment double what it should be. This is because removing the apply has “credited” the
Microsoft Dynamics GP Custom eConnect XML Node–Procedure or function expects parameter, which was not supplied Custom XML nodes error with parameters It is possible to run your own custom stored procedures from eConnect, by passing in parameters via a custom XML nodes. I have explained this technique in a previous post, there is more information on MSDN too: * This Blog: Using custom nodes in eConnect
Microsoft Dynamics GP SalesPad Mobile Installer I love the “View Update SQL” button on the SalesPad mobile server installer. This button generates the SQL that is about to be executed against your GP database into a notepad window for inspection. It was reassuring to see and understand what was about to be done to the database.