Microsoft Dynamics GP Finally Dynamics GP add-in development with Visual Studio 2022 You must use version VS 2022 17.9.0 Preview 2 or newer to edit Windows or Dynamics GP forms in the forms designer of Visual Studio.
econnect eConnect Error 9370- You are passing a Currency ID in the header and you did not pass the same one to the line Problem updating sales order with blank lines in Dynamics GP using eConnect Existing blank empty lines on Dynamics GP sales orders cause a problem when updating orders using eConnect. Bank rows are ones where there is no item in the item number field. If no item number is entered, the
Microsoft Dynamics GP SQL filtered index are incompatible with Dynamics GP SQL filtered index are incompatible with Dynamics GP
Find async methods that are not named Aync Using regular expression search to find missed async suffixes to async methods in Visual Studio
TalkMobile SIM with Vodafone Mobile WiFi R219h access point Go into mobile broadband Go into connection Set to custom type APN field enter: then click save The status screen will show "Connecting" then "Connected"
Microsoft Dynamics GP Uninstalling abandoned or orphan modules from Dynamics GP Uninstalling abandoned or orphan modules from Dynamics GP database. Using product id and database object prefixes to identify objects to drop.
Microsoft Dynamics GP Invalid object name 'WO010032' Fixing [SQL Server]Invalid object name 'WO010032'. after removing the Dynamics GP Manufacturing Module
econnect EConnectWebServiceException Invalid object name 'AAG20000' Having renamed the entire Analytical Accounting database objects in the company database, using a script derived from KB915903 eConnect started immediately creating errors so I went to investigate. Invalid object Name AAG20000 Having opened up the eConnect scripts to see what was going on (taProcessAnalytics, taCreateSOPDistributions, taAnalkyticsDistribution among others), it
econnect Is Microsoft Dynamics eConnect installed on a machine? Is Microsoft Dynamics eConnect installed on a machine? How do we quickly check for eConnect installs on a machine?
Microsoft Dynamics GP Featured An error has occurred in the script on this page Dynamics GP Fix "An Error has occurred in the script on this page" error
Impossible to delete Thumbs.db on network folder "thumbs.db" is a hidden file used by the windows explorer, to cache the directory information in order to make windows explorer display folders more quickly. It regularly "gets in the way" when trying to remove a directory, with the operating system thinking it is locked
Next purchase order number jumping or wrong Dynamics GP next PO number is wrong When a user types a purchase order number, that has not been used before, into the purchase order entry screen of Microsoft Dynamics GP, then exit the screen. GP will attempt to put that incorrect number back into the next number field in
ERP HEADtoHEAD by Lumenia Choosing a new ERP solution for a company may be one of the larger investments a company will make, both financially and through investment of time and resources. Lumenia Consulting run an annual event, HEADtoHEAD™ that I was able to attended. At the event, a selection of big name ERP
Migrating from BlogEngine.NET to Ghost Outdated and time to change I've been running by Blog using BlogEngine for well over a decade. It is no longer supported and is suffering with various security issues and lack of support for modern consumption of content, like mobile. It was time to move on a long
Microsoft Dynamics GP Dynamics GP Addins and Visual Studio 2022 error adding new form The designer could not be shown for this file because none of the classes within it can be designed error tldr; To edit windows/dynamics gp forms in 32 bit mode for Dynamics GP Add-ins using Visual Studio 2022, you must use the following version or newer: VS 2022 17.
Microsoft Dynamics GP An Unknown Error Occurred sending mail in Dynamics GP with Office 365 Attempting to send email from Dynamics GP using multi factor authentication (MFA) results in an error, after selecting a user in the Office authentication window. An Unknown Error Occurred There is no explanation as to what the error actually was. In the case I was investigating some users could email
Microsoft Dynamics GP Another user is editing this item–Dynamics GP error You can’t delete an item because another user is editing this item message pops up. This is due to a lock in the SY_ResourceActivity table (DYNAMICS..SY00801). Check the table for the item number in RSRCID field, you can list all the records locked in the system with
Microsoft Dynamics GP Dynamics GP–The Document is in use and could not be deleted, when attaching a document Document attach open documents When using document attach in Dynamics GP from Version 2016, it is not possible to attach a document if that document is open in another application. If a user has a document open and then attempts to attach it, the error is: The document is in
Microsoft Dynamics GP Dynamics GP Payables - A unique document number could not be found Please check setup Payment run failed after GP upgrade On upgrading to GP: Version 18.4.1361 (2021) everything worked great except for making EFT payments. On printing the EFT payments, the following error popped up. A unique document number could not be found. Please check setup. Although it could be clicked through
Microsoft Dynamics GP Tasks to think about when migrating SQL server for Dynamics GP to a new server After performing SQL migration I had this top level list of things I had to think about, so this is just a private list put here of things that you might need to think about when migrating from one SQL server to another. This is for my environment, if you
Microsoft Dynamics GP Dynamics GP folder path incorrect when using Create Installation Package utility Application folder for Dynamics GP moved The default installation package location moved for the Dynamics GP application to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP for releases after GP2018. Previously it was in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2018, where the GP2018 was replaced with the version of GP.
Microsoft Dynamics GP Dynamics GP Install/upgrade failed SyCompanyImages SyCompanyImages Interesting issue with upgrading Microsoft Dynamics GP. The upgrade stopped at the above step Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities install/upgrade failed syCompanyImages Turns out this was linked to deleting companies from this instance of GP, and the delete leaving orphaned records in the DYNAMICS..SyCompanyImages table. The syComanyImages table
Microsoft Dynamics GP Dynamics GP Smart List Export to Excel found a problem with content, repaired records After moving to from Office 13 to 365 the following error appears when users export from Dynamics GP smart lists to Excel. We found a problem with some content in 202222-1232S9.XISX. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source
Microsoft Dynamics GP Dynamics GP–syWindowDefaults cannot find the table SY01407 After upgrading a Dynamics GP system from GP2015 => GP2016 => GP(18.4) the following error occurred on opening some enquiry windows in GP; A get/change operation on table ‘syWindowDefaults’ cannot find the table. Invalid object name ‘SY01407’ The above window is used for the “The Default Inquiry