IIS Information Manager Microsoft.Web.Configuration.AppHostFileProvider could no load file or assembly If you have this error when clicking on a site or app pool in IIS manager, ensure you are launching the correct version! Using Start menu search and clicking 7 by habit or not paying attention, rather than 10 as it should be for Windows 10… This runs 7 from
General Technology Interest WinDirStat Reminder to self: WinDirStat is a great way to visualise your storage use on a drive http://windirstat.sourceforge.net/
SQL Server SQL bucket filling example permalink I’m frightened that one day this sample disappears, its from a SQL Server Central.com thread, Filling Bucketsoriginally posted by “ChrisM@work.” -- Originally from: -- http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic568498-338-1.aspx DECLARE @AmountToAllocate INT = 21 ;WITH Calculator AS ( SELECT BucketID, TotalSize, Amount, AmountLeftToAllocate = CASE WHEN @AmountToAllocate >
Alternative way to “open command prompt here”–windows hint I was shown this at an MSDN event and use it regularly since. You can open a CMD prompt at the current location from windows explorer, simply by typing in the folder address bar, then hit return. Navigate to location Type “cmd” into the address bar as shown below The
Microsoft Dynamics GP Is eConnect Integration Service Multi-threaded? Personally I have not experienced performance issues with eConnect, so the question to as if the integration service is multi-threaded or now had not crossed my mind before, so here are my thoughts so far after the question popped up. What is the integration service? The eConnect integration service is
Microsoft Dynamics GP Get the System Database name for Dynamics GP To get the system database name (used to be known as the DYNAMICS database) from any GP company, use the following SQL: SELECT TOP 1 DBNAME FROM SY00100 (NOLOCK) When issued in the context of a company database, this will tell you the name of the system database that manages
Microsoft Dynamics GP Prefix “B:” in Dynamics GP script logs When logging operations to script log in GP, sometimes I see “B:” prefixing sections of the script log. Out of curiosity I asked the community what the B: represents. David Musgrave kindly let me know. It turns out to mean that those parts of the script are running on the
Microsoft Dynamics GP Determining when inventory reconcile is running in Dynamics GP If like me you find yourself writing a lot of integrations with Dynamics GP, then you will know that you really should not be messing with data related to inventory whilst the inventory reconcile is processing. Inventory reconcile is responsible for checking that everything tallies up, on summary records. Changing
Microsoft Dynamics GP Reconcile Dynamics GP inventory -at the speed of light* *well almost Reconcile routines in Dynamics GP check that related data in the system is kept in sync. They total up summary and related information and check all the numbers are correct over all the tables. If the GP application crashes, say due to network connectivity issues, then data can
Running SumatraPDF from windows service I can use Sumatra to print PDF from a windows service but the printer must be installed for the user the service is running as. If the user running the service does not have access to the printer, nothing will print. To test you may log into the machine and
Prevent “Service has been marked for deletion” while installing windows services A reminder, if the above message is encountered when installing a windows service after removing a previous version, then * Close all instances of Event Log viewer * Close all instances of Services MMC (Microsoft Management Console) for all users on server * Use task manager to ensure the old service process is
Microsoft Dynamics GP Dynamics GP Conferences–which should I attend?– updated 2017 No matter how you interact with Dynamics GP, as a consultant, end user or software vendor, attending conferences is a vital element to keeping engaged with the product, alerting you to chances, what is possible and hearing from others’ experiences, good or bad. Visiting conferences allows you to network with
Microsoft Dynamics GP Adding items to list boxes in native Dynamics GP forms using visual studio add-in List boxes, Drop down lists, Combo Boxes can be added using modifier to Dynamics GP forms, but they are not supported for .NET access from visual studio addins. For example, adding list items to list boxes and combo boxes in native GP forms is not supported via .NET, Dexterity modifications
Microsoft Dynamics GP Best Warehouse Management and Barcode Solutions (WMS) for Microsoft Dynamics GP Last updated: 08th August 2018 What do you mean by barcoding in the warehouse? "is there a barcode solution for Microsoft Dynamics GP?", this is a common question found on Dynamics GP forums. Barcoding in a warehouse environment can span in complexity from simple data capture used to
SQL Server How to check if MS SQL Server, Linked Server object is in use Linked server objects allow one SQL server to connect to another at the database engine level. A connection is defined when creating the linked server, including the credentials that should be used for that connection. As time passes, the challenge is knowing if that old linked server object is still
Microsoft Dynamics GP Word Template reports format messed up when rendered to PDF Dynamics GP 2015 Dynamics GP2015 Word PDF Alignment wrong After upgrade to GP2015 it was found the modified reports using Word Templates screwed up when sent to email as PDF. Email embedded PDF reports from Dynamics GP messes up the formatting, resulting junk formatting. After a week of investigation and following false leads
Exception.ToString() and capturing inner exceptions It is often worth going back to basics, it turns out quite a few people don’t realise that calling “.ToString” on an exception object in .NET, will provide a nicely formatted output suitable for logging. It will also recursively extract the inner exceptions, if there are any too. It
SQL Server Update all XML element nodes in an XML field of a SQL table I wrote an electronic invoicing solution for Dynamics GP a long time ago. The XML invoices of various formats are stored against the invoice number in the database. The column was upgraded to XML type when SQL sever started supporting it in SQL 2005. Although it is possible to cast
Microsoft Dynamics GP ERP integration–protecting API keys & cloud credentials Securely manage your API keys With a greater number of API’s in the enterprise that are dealing with increasingly sensitive business processes or data, it is now more important than ever to actively manage API keys and credentials in a secure way. This is of interest to consultants, developers
Microsoft Dynamics GP Office Snipping Tool for creating documentation screen grabs - screen shot of the Snipping Tool The sniping tool is a handy tool that was introduced into the windows operating system and is one of the tools I most frequently use in windows. It is useful when creating documentation for Dynamics GP processes and other software documentation. Recently I wanted to take a screen shot of
Chrome Browser Tab Discards Have you noticed how when visiting tabs that have been left untouched in the Chrome browser, that they appear to re-load as those tabs are finally clicked again? This is tab discarding at work, a memory saving exercise by the Chrome team that have recognised the bad rep Chrome has
Microsoft Dynamics GP Managing document attachments in Dynamics GP What is document attach? Dynamics GP 2013R2 introduces document attach, allowing files (photos, PDF’s, drawings, spread sheets, emails etc) to be associated, attached with objects in GP. An attachment icon appears on transactions and cards, window notes and many other places. An example may be attaching customer purchase orders
Microsoft Dynamics GP Dynamics GP auto roll out of updates GP is very configurable, that is one of its big strengths. IT teams can update reports and form layouts, developers can create wonderful new add ins, new modules can be added or removed. etc. With these different sources of updates, and frequency of changes, it becomes important to keep GP
SQL Server SQL Replication duplicate log reader in SQL replication monitor It is upgrade time, Dynamics GP does not like schema objects bound by replication during upgrades. During version updates some tables are copied dropped and recreated, depending on what changes have been made to the schema. If replication is left running on a Dynamics GP company during the upgrade, then
Microsoft Dynamics GP Installing Word Addin GP, upgrade patch cannot be installed error Switching on msi logging reveals the following extract form the log file: MSI (c) (68:F8) [12:44:21:188]: Full optimizations are not possible in the patch sequencer because new patch[es] had been added in the current transaction. MSI (c) (68:F8) [12:44:21:188]: Applicability checks