WCF Registered base address schemes are []

Moved WCF service from old server to 2012 server to find the WCF service would not run. It complained that

"Could not find a base address that matches scheme http for the endpoint with binding WebHttpBinding. Registered base address schemes are []"

Stack overflow post below was the lead as to how to resolve it:

WCF Registered base address schemes are [] error with https

With a fake IP address for purposes of this post, the WCF config section had the follow lines, removing the <add prefix… line from the .config brought the service to life.

                <add prefix\=""/>  

So what is the baseAddressPrefix? –it is for dealing with where there are multiple IIS bindings for a site providing a listening filter for the service.

To quote MS documents:

A prefix filter provides a way for shared hosting providers to specify which URIs are to be used by the service. It enables shared hosts to host multiple applications with different base addresses for the same scheme on the same site.+

IIS Web sites are containers for virtual applications which contain virtual directories. The application in a site can be accessed through one or more IIS bindings. IIS bindings provide two pieces of information: binding protocol and binding information. Binding protocol (for example, HTTP) defines the scheme over which communication occurs, and binding information (for example, IP Address, Port, Hostheader) contains data used to access the site.

IIS supports specifying multiple IIS bindings for each site, which results in multiple base addresses for each scheme. Because a WCF service hosted under a site allows binding to only one base address for each scheme, you can use the prefix filter feature to pick the required base address of the hosted service. The incoming base addresses, supplied by IIS, are filtered based on the optional prefix list filter.