SQL Replication duplicate log reader in SQL replication monitor

It is upgrade time, Dynamics GP does not like schema objects bound by replication during upgrades. During version updates some tables are copied dropped and recreated, depending on what changes have been made to the schema. If replication is left running on a Dynamics GP company during the upgrade, then the upgrade will fail, if the object being replicated is change during the upgrade.

As a result, SQL replication has to be removed during the upgrade, after first scripting it out to SQL as a create so that it can be rebuilt post upgrade. During a recent upgrade, after rebuilding replication there were two log readers running for each publication. Oddly looking at the properties of the SQL log readers, they both reference the same source SQL jobs. This was causing issues trying to start and stop them or trying to change credentials as it all got a bit confusing.

This has happened to me a few times now. The following command removes the extra log reader registration.

Selecting all the readers, from the replication distribution database where they are registered, simply choose the higher numbered duplicates for deletion, then remove them with the delete SQL command, using the ID from the table.

SELECT  *FROM [{replicationdistributiondbname}]..[MSlogreader_agents]DELETE FROM 

[{replicationdistributiondbname}]..[MSlogreader_agents]WHERE id={duplicate ID #}

Now the table should be left with one reader per publication (unless you have a more complicated replication arrangement going on).

replication monitor showing reader agents