Scott Guthrie - Manchester


I am so glad I made the effort to go down to Manchester for the day to be inspired by Scott in a really well paced session on ASP.NET MVC – VS2010 / ASP.NET 4.0 goodness  and finally a flash through Silverlight 3.


A few things came out of this day.

  • Like other engineering professions, we have too few women.
  • Developers smell better as the years go by.
  • .NET is exciting the future is bright.
  • Scott is very smart.
  • The Spark programme is really getting developers thinking about starting software houses. Lots of buzz around this new imitative.
  • General observation by many of how many iPhones are at a MS focused event.
  • Manchester has changed a lot since I last had a walk around.
  • Running from The Printworks to the Train at Piccadilly is further than you remember when the train leaves in 15 mins.
  • There is so much you can do now, so few hours in a day.