Document is being edited by a coworker and can’t be printed

The American language in Dynamics GP makes us chuckle. This message box is a wonderful variation on the message box “This transaction is being edited by another user”. We know of the “another user” table, but have never encountered the “coworker” table. The dialog box pops up when trying to print a purchase order that is locked, in this case by a dead GP session.



Find the purchase order in the table and then delete it:

SELECT * FROM  DYNAMICS..SY00801 where rsrcid='{put your PO Number here}'DELETE FROM DYNAMICS..SY00801 where rsrcid='{put your PO Number here}'

Of course you should ensure this coworker is not actually editing the record before going to these measures!

Good idea

I found a great utility by Michael Johnson that replaces these messages with ones that display a more meaningful name, simple but so good!

Record lock trace addon for Dynamics GP – By Michael Johnson