Concurrent user log for Dynamics GP
A few months ago we kept hitting our seventy five concurrent user limit on our GP server. Rather than rushing out to buy some more licences it was time to investigate how it was getting used.
In order to do this a SQL job was set up sample the current concurrent users on the system throughout the working day, logging the results into a SQL server table for later analysis.
I was not too interested at this point in the detail of who and where people were logged in, merely how many, thus a few mins later we have created a table in the BI database, UserConcurentCount that has two columns, UserCount and TimeDate.
The sql job created had one step running every 10 mins that did the following:
/* Insert into the monitot table how many users visiting */
Insert into BI.dbo.UserConcurentCount
(select Count(*) as UserCount, getdate() as SampleTimestamp from dynamics..activity)
This results in a table that can be used to build a histogram using a bit of TSQL and excel of the number of users in the system through the day. The problem seems to be with the changing patterns of work in a small number of the part time staff in some departments causing a pinch point when change over half way though the day occurrs and both sets of staff are in the system. The problem now seems to be resolved and we hover under the user limit now.
Take care to put a clean up script on a weekly job clean old entries out of this log table, no need to build up excessive records unless it is useful to you.